Sunday, August 2, 2009

The "Endless" Days of Summer

July flew by and left its heat and humidity (and probably, rain) for August to endure. August arrived, steamy and dragging along her guilt trip. Half the summer is gone and the truth is that it isn’t ENDLESS!

Technology has been insistently tapping on my conscience but the beach has a louder knock. I have to admit that I’ve been reading about Twitter, or thinking about Twitter, more than actually signing into Twitter. The teaching and technology blogs look interesting but I’ve been able to resist their allure in favor of catching up on back issues of the New Yorker and reading the novels that were piled up on my end table. (I highly recommend Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri.)

In an effort to jump-start my academic activities and raise my interest level for all things educational, I have to give great thanks to Richard Byrne and his Free Technology for Teachers blog. His resources appear as endless as the summer seemed to be. I recommend regular reading of Free Technology for Teachers and clicking through to as many of Byrne’s links as your brain can stand! Checking out his resources should take me most of the next two weeks, as good a way to integrate work back into my summer fantasy world as can be found.

If anyone needs a bit more inspiration, even after viewing FTFT’s short videos on “Why we teach” and Wh
en I Become a Teacher,” please take the time to listen to “Educating Esmé: A Teacher’s Diary,” aired by NPR's Hearing Voices and read by Esmé Codell herself. (The full length audio is here.) Her experiences are not like most of mine in 20+ years in education, but her heart and mind are exactly those of the teacher in all of us. You will cry and laugh and remember just why being a teacher was the best career choice you could ever have made.

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